Exhibition House Address Numbers, one through nine.
Exhibition House Address Numbers, 1.
Exhibition House Address Numbers, 2.
Exhibition House Address Numbers, 3.
Exhibition House Address Numbers, 4.
Exhibition House Address Numbers
Exhibition House Address Numbers, 6.
Exhibition House Address Numbers, 7.
Exhibition House Address Numbers, 8.
Exhibition House Address Numbers, 9.
Exhibition House Address Numbers, 0.

Exhibition House Address Numbers

These numbers utilize a lettering style designed by Frank Lloyd Wright in 1931 for exhibition drawings. This lettering style was uniquely created using 45 and 60 degree slanted lines and two compass curves. The way the letters and numbers are aligned as well as word spacing are controlled by a system of unit measure developed by Mr. Wright.

Material: Zinc alloy with bronze finish.
Dimensions: 4.25" x 6.25"

A portion of the proceeds from your purchase will support the Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation's mission to preserve Taliesin and Taliesin West for future generations, and inspire society through an understanding and experience of Frank Lloyd Wright's ideas, architecture, and design.
